
5 Minute Abs Workout Routine to Do Before Bed

Ready to spice up your nightly routine? If you’ve ever felt like you can’t fit exercise into your busy day, this challenge is for you.

This isn’t just about getting a six-pack or a slimmer waistline (if that’s your thing). It’s about unlocking the powerhouse of your body.

Think better posture, lower back hugs, and warrior-like balance skills. Plus, a little bit of exercise can do wonders for your mental health, helping you de-stress after a long day.

I took on this challenge a few months ago. I was skeptical about what five minutes could do, but the results spoke for themselves.

Not only did I notice an improvement in my core strength, but the routine also became a perfect way to unwind.

Lying down after those five minutes felt great. It became a ritual I looked forward to most nights.

Ready to jazz up your evenings? Dive into this bite-sized workout, tailor-made for your bedtime schedule. Let’s rock those abs together in five minutes!

How to Follow the Challenge

Jumping into this challenge is super easy, and here’s how you can do it:

Set a Specific Time

Consistency is key! Try to do your abs workout at the same time each night. Right before you brush your teeth or after you’ve slipped into your pajamas—whatever works best for you.

Setting a routine helps make sticking to this challenge a no-brainer.

Keep It Fun

Mix it up a bit! I’ve given you a few different exercises, so each night can be a little different. This keeps things interesting and prevents the dreaded workout boredom.

Plus, it’s five minutes, so you can always experiment with new moves if you feel like it.

Use the Printable Calendar

I’ve put together a printable calendar for you all. Print it out, stick it on your fridge, or keep it near your bed.

Tick off each day as you complete your workout. Watching the checkmarks add up is so satisfying. They are a great visual reminder of your progress!

Involve Your Friends or Family

Everything’s more fun with a buddy, right? Challenge a friend or family member to join you.

You can check in with each other for motivation or even do the workouts together over a video call. It’s a nice way to stay connected and support each other.

Follow these steps. You’ll find that adding five minutes of ab workouts to your nightly routine is rewarding. Let’s get ready to crunch our way to stronger abs and better nights!

5-Minute Abs Workout Routine

All you need to join the challenge is a yoga mat. You’ll be working your abs seven days per week.

If you’re worried about over-working your abs by focusing on them every day, don’t stress. Your abs recover faster than other muscles do.

Your 30-Day Abs Workout to Do Before Bed Moves

Do one exercise each day. For each exercise, you’ll work for 30 seconds, then take a 30 second rest. Continue for five rounds.

Download the 30-Day Abs Challenge PDF

Hip Roll To Side Twist

How to:

  1. Start with both feet wider than hip width apart.
  2. Roll your hips clockwise engaging your waist as you roll.
  3. Raise both arms as you turn your body to the right keep your feet in the same position.
  4. Return to the centre, then do the same thing with the other side. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30. Continue for 5 minutes total.

Standing Knee to Chest Raise

How to:

  1. Start with both feet apart, carrying most of your weight on one leg.
  2. While keeping the front leg steady, raise the other knee towards your chest.
  3. Lower your leg and tap your toe on the ground. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch to the other leg. Rest for 30. Continue for 5 minutes total.

Farmer Walks

How to:

  1. Start with your feet hip width apart.
  2. Step to the side then lower your body like you want to pick something off the ground.
  3. Return back to centre raising your body up then bend down towards the other direction.
  4. That’s 1 rep. Repeat the motion on both sides for 30 seconds, then rest for 30. Continue for 5 minutes total.

ZaZuu Leg Lift

How to:

  1. Start with both feet apart.
  2. While keeping the front leg steady, raise the back knee towards your chest.
  3. Lower your leg to the ground and sit back with your weight on the back leg.
  4. While you’re moving from one leg to the next, alternate both arms forward and backwards. 
  5. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch to the other leg. Rest for 30. Continue for 5 minutes total.

Side to Side Rows

How to:

  1. Start with your feet hip width apart.
  2. Raise both arms forward and pull them back towards one side like you’re rowing a boat. Look back in the direction you’re pulling.
  3. Retun back to the middle with both arms going up and turn towards the other side.
  4. Keep your knees bent and turn them out as you twist your waist.
  5. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30. Continue for 5 minutes total.

Standing Knee Tucks

How to:

  1. Start with both feet together.
  2. While keeping your back nice and tall, raise one knee towards your chest.
  3. At the same time, crunch your abs by lowering your chest towards your knee. Puch both arms towards to floor.
  4. Reverse the motion, then do the same thing with the other knee. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30. Continue for 5 minutes total.

Standing Ab Crunches

How to:

  1. Start with both feet together.
  2. While marching on the spot, crunch your abs by tucking your waist in and opening up.
  3. Bend both arms with your fists facing up, then pull your elbows towards your waist.
  4. Reverse the motion. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30. Continue for 5 minutes total.

Tips for Success

The beauty of this challenge is that it’s five minutes each night. That’s about the time you’d scroll through social media or watch a TV commercial.

Making this small commitment every day can lead to big changes. Remember, consistency is more impactful than intensity when starting out. Make it as routine as brushing your teeth!

Nothing beats seeing your progress. That’s why I’ve included a printable calendar for you to mark off each day you complete your workout.

Each checkmark is a step closer to forming a great habit and seeing your strength improve. Share your calendar with friends or snap a pic and post it online if you’re into that.

Let’s make it fun and keep each other motivated!

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